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God Bless America. On 15 February 2016, our President, speaking to a wildly enthusiastic crowd in Bluffton, South Carolina, promised that he would find out — and inform the American public — “who really knocked down the World Trade Center.”
As all engaged and informed citizens now know, the 9/11 Commission was a controlled cover-up at the same level of atrocity as 9/11 itself, and totally comparable to the Warren Commission controlled cover-up on the assassination of John F. Kennedy by Lyndon Baines Johnson, Allen Dulles, J. Edgard Hoover, and varied private sector participants as well as the government of Israel, which sent two witnesses to Dallas.
This collection of twenty-seven memoranda, most one page but a few two pages and one four pages, provide the President all he needs to know to do three big things when he gives his planned speech on 9/11 on 11 September 2018:
01 Direct the Attorney General, Jefferson Sessions, to direct the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Geoffrey S. Berman, to act on the petition for a Grand Jury and criminal investigation into 9/11 as delivered on 10 April 2018 from the Lawyer’s Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, a 54-page petition with 57 categories of evidence about 9/11 crimes.
02 Support and call on Congress to pass — prior to the November 2018 elections — the Bobby Mcllvaine World Trade Center Investigation Act, to be completed and reported out to the President and the Public by 4 July 2019.
03 Utilize the information in this collection to inspire the expelling of the fake news media from the White House, the creation of a two-way truth channel engaging all 200 million US voters, the passage of #UNRIG Election Reform Act to give all #WalkAway voters a fair shake in a broader political system that terminates the two-party tyranny; and an end, for once and for all, of Deep State and Zionist control of the Shadow Government including the secret intelligence community that persists in advancing lies inciting assassination, defamation, and impeachment proceedings against the President.
Authors represented in this volume, each of whom created an original work of public intelligence, include, in alphabetical order:
Kevin Barrett; Scott Bennett; Christopher Bollyn; Fred Burks; Steve De’ak; A. K. Dewdney; Gordon Duff; Aero Engineer; Greg Felton; James Fetzer; Richard Gage; Tom-Scott Gordon; David Ray Griffin; Sander Hicks; T. Mark Hightower; Barbara Honegger; Eric Hufschmid; Ed Jewett; Nicholas Kollerstrom; John Lear; Susan Lindauer; Joe Olson; Peter Dale Scott; Robert David Steele; and indirectly, Victor Thorn and Judy Wood. Contact information for all authors is available to alternative and conventional media outlets desiring to do interviews.
Below is the Table of Contents in Abbreviated Form:
Donald Trump Makes A Promise
Letter of Transmittal
Overview & Call for A Presidential Truth Summit
Who Did It?
Letter of Transmittal
Overview & Call for A Presidential Truth Summit
Who Did It?
The two most shocking memoranda reveal that the WTC was condemned by 1989 and all parties including the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and the Mayor of New York City knew the buildings would have to be brought down at a cost of $2B — this provides the commercial insurance fraud motivation and the foundation for the planning of a political false flag operation years in advance; and that 9/11 was used to launder $240 billion dollars used from 1998 to 2001 for a Gold War against Russia — an economic covert war not authorized by Congress or declared to the public, in which Buzzy Krongard, John Brennan, and William Browder appear to have been the principal actors, under the direction of George H. W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and George Tenet.
All of those named are innocent until proven guilty. What this collection does is make it crystal clear to the public who has not been investigated, and why they should be.
This collection is free online at
FedEx Replication of Presidential Binder: Color, pages 1-5 single-sided, double-sided thereafter, spiral bound, clear plastic front, black plastic back.

ROBERT STEELE: The matter of 9/11 Truth is now on the table at the White House, the National Rifle Asscoation (NRA) and the Republican National Council (RNC). Below are the three cover letters that accompanied the work shown and linked below.
DOC (1 Page): 911 POTUS A USPS Letter
DOC (1 Page): 911 POTUS A Letter to NRA
DOC (1 Page): 911 POTUS A RNC
The future course of America cannot be charted if we continue to tolerate the high crimes and lies of the Deep State and its Shadow Government. ENOUGH!

Phase I ends 30 July and will result in a complete color PDF being delivered to the President by a mutual fan with direct access, and also published free online and as #33 in the Trump Revolution Series. The President will receive the contact information (cell number) for each of the authors.
Phase II will focus on the President’s planned speech for 9/11 2018, and include an international alternative media campaign to put this collection squarely in everyone’s face.
Letter of Transmittal by Editor
Overview & Call for A Presidential 9/11 Truth Summit
Who Did It?
See references for Greater Israel / Yinon Plan
Pre-Planted Explosives?
Directed Energy?
No Airplanes?
A. K. Dewdney: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 Gratuitously False Narrative on Use of Cell Phones