REPLY: The 'Debunking' Shtick is Shit. Please Keep It Up! Your pseudo-skepticism, clown shoes, and ass are showing while UFO lights keep glowing. Duh-bunk-turds are absurd...
Zero evidence, huh?! How about (just for starters) 6,000 as an alternative number to 0...
Dictionary Definition of UFO PROOF - Physical Trace Cases
Ted Chambers writes:
Scientists and experts should start with the observations and reports made by pilots and other highly trained observers - and and try to get to the bottom of this - whatever it is. For instance, even if we discovered that this is human made technology that potentially renders our current military capabilities obsolete that would be gravely concerning for many reasons, not the least of which would be the amount of money we spend every year on our military. If it turns out that equipment failure and or human error are the best explanations for many of these sightings (as the author suggests) then those errors need to be identified and addressed - for the sake of pilot safety, for the sake of our national security, and as a guarantee that our tax dollars are not funding military systems that routinely fail us and those using them.
Healthy skepticism is critical for scientific research, analysis, and debate - but it cannot be an excuse for burying one's head in the sand and claiming that no evidence exists.
"Brooklyn Zoo" points out that the author is omitting key facts and obviously engaging in some monkey business.
So no Mr. Achenbach. The UFO story is not going to die and go away. The federal government and the US military has a constitutional and fiduciary responsibility to keep America safe. As a result, the federal government is about to spend tens of billions of dollars on Space Force and the study of UAPs. There is simply no turning back now. Why? Because Russia and China are also doing the same. The UAP threat is being taken seriously by our adversaries and it’s now a race between the world’s superpowers to see who can shoot some of these UAPs down to reverse engineer and harvest their superior aerospace technology to improve life on Earth and defend its global security interests.
Of course, omitting key facts and obviously engaging in some monkey business is par for the course for professional skeptics and shills...